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這兩本書分別來自國立臺灣大學出版中心 和所出版 。

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Gothic Crossings Medieval to Postmodern

為了解決great britain uk分別的問題,作者楊明蒼、奚永慧、高瑟濡、王寶祥...等 這樣論述:

  本書由國立臺灣大學外文系的吳雅鳳與李欣穎教授主編,一共收錄十篇論文,分別由海內外學者專家執筆,並請得英國布理斯托大學(Bristol University)英文系教授,亦是知名的志異學者,David Punter做序。   十篇論文的內容跨越時空與文類,由英國中古時代與美國殖民地時期,貫穿浪漫主義的盛世與二十世紀交界的變異,直至現代倫敦風貌。書中除了探討志異(Gothic)傳統從中古過渡到現代所衍生的多變風貌及其承載的意義外,並探索以「志異」角度閱讀弱勢文學──猶太戲劇、美國原住民小說、華美文學等的可能性,對族裔文學研究注入新的觀點。最後一篇論文更擴及當代科技文化,可視為一種志異傳統的

虛擬遺緒。   全書呈現志異的廣度與深度,流動與開放,多變與多元,對西方文學研究者與志異文學愛好者而言,都是不可錯過的一本論文集。   These ten essays on the theme of the Gothic, written by scholars from Taiwan and the USA and introduced by David Punter of Bristol University, range across the boundaries of time, space, and genre. Catching the fluidity, openness an

d amorphous multiplicity of the Gothic as idea and genre, the collection moves from medieval Gothic England and the early American colonial settlements, through High Romanticism and the Gothic variants at the turn of the19th and 20th centuries, to contemporary London as a Gothic site. Also explored

is the possibility of doing Gothic reading of texts─Jewish, Native American and Chinese American ones─that might normally seem to fall within the domain of minority studies. The final paper undertake a postmodern analysis of contemporary technoculture as a sort of virtual afterlife of the Gothic. 作者

簡介 Eva Yin-I Chen (陳音頤)   received her Ph. D. from the University of Sussex and is currently Professor of English at National Cheng-Chi University. She has published journal papers in Feminist Media Review, Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, Canadian Journal of Comparative Literature, Etudes Lawrenc

ienne, Journal of D. H. Lawrence Society, Asian Survey, and a number of local academic journals. She is also the author of two books on women and urban modernity. Han-yu Huang (黃涵榆)   Ph. D. in English and American Literature from Graduate Institute of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Ta

iwan University, Associate Professor at Department of English, Tamkang University (till July 2008), currently Associate Professor at Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University. His research fields include Zizek, psychoanalytic ethics, and radical politics. He has published Horror and E

vil in the Name of Enjoyment (Bern: Peter Lang, 2007) and many articles in prestigious journals in Taiwan including Concentric and NTU Studies in Languages and Literature. He is currently working on the research projects on Sung Tse-lai’s novels and multiculturalist discourse. Su-ching Huang (黃素卿)

  is Assistant Professor of English and Associate Director of Ethnic Studies at East Carolina University. She received her Ph.D. in English from the University of Rochester and has taught at University of Texas-Pan American, National Taiwan University, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, and Roches

ter Institute of Technology. She has taught courses in, for example, Asian American literature, multiethnic U.S. literature, travel narratives, women’s literature, and contemporary Chinese cinema. Her recent research interests include Asian American literature and films as well as multiethnic U.S. l

iterature. She has published in both Chinese and English, on feminist theater, Asian American literature, and Jackie Chan. Her book Mobile Homes: Spatial and Cultural Negotiation in Asian American Literature (Routledge, 2006) deals with literary representations of Asian migration and assimilation si

nce the 1940s. She-Ru Kao (高瑟濡)   is Assistant Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University. Her previous publications were mainly on Lord Byron, with a special focus on Byron’s anticipation of some Freudian ideas, such as sadism, masochism, melanchol

ia, narcissism, the “double,” and the joking techniques. Her current research interests include English Romanticism, Gothic literature, Victorian novels, and literature teaching. Iping Liang (梁一萍)   is Professor of American Literatures at the Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University

. Her research interests include women’s literatures, Gothic aesthetics, geographical imagination, Asian Pacific discourse, and multiethnic literatures of the United States. She is the author of Ghost Dances: Towards a Native American Gothic (Taipei: Bookman, 2006) and of critical articles on Louis

Owens, Gerald Vizenor, N. Scott Momaday, Rudolph Anaya, Sandra Cisneros, Toni Morrison, Gish Jen, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, among others. Her current research project involves the study of transnational Native American narratives. Min-tser Lin (林明澤)   is Associate Professor at the Department of Foreig

n Languages and Literature in National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. He received his Ph. D. degree at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures in National Taiwan University. His dissertation was about Victorian sexuality and pornography; his current research interests are eighteenth-cent

ury British Gothic fiction and nineteenth-century vampire literature. David Punter   has worked in England, Scotland, China and Hong Kong. He is currently Professor of English at the University of Bristol, UK. He has published a great deal on many literary-critical topics, including romantic literat

ure, modern and contemporary writing, literary theory and psychoanalysis, but is probably best-known for his work on the Gothic, including The Literature of Terror: A History of Gothic Fictions from 1765 to the Present Day (1980; 1996); Gothic Pathologies: The Text, the Body and the Law (1998); Spec

tral Readings: Towards a Gothic Geography (ed., with Glennis Byron, 1999); A Companion to the Gothic (ed., 2000); The Gothic (with Glennis Byron, 2004). Pao-Hsiang Wang (王寶祥)   is Assistant Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at National Taiwan University. He received hi

s M.A. in Theatre Studies from Indiana University, Bloomington, his Ph. D. in Dramatic Art from University of California, Santa Barbara. His research interests are fin-de-siecle drama, Jewish studies, history of opera, and American minority theatre. He has published journal papers on plays by Karen

Finley, Anna Deavere Smith, Chay Yew, Alfred Uhry, Israel Zangwill, H. Leivick, and operas by John Adams and Donizetti. His monograph Crisis of Identity of Fin-de-siecle Viennese Jews was published in 2010. Ya-feng Wu (吳雅鳳)   is Associate Professor of English at the Department of Foreign Languages

and Literatures, National Taiwan University. She obtained her M. Phil. from Oxford University, UK, her Ph. D. from Glasgow University, UK. Her research interests include Romantic literature, the Gothic, Aestheticism, women’s writing, and dance. She has written both in English and Chinese on Percy B.

Shelley, J. M. W. Turner, John Constable, Ann Radcliffe, Charlotte Smith, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Maria Edgeworth, etc. Her monographs are Nature in Art (in Chinese) (2005) and Arcadia and Carthage in Turner (2000). Her current project focuses on the representation of the mermaid in nineteenth centu

ry literature and art. Wesley Xi (奚永慧)   is Assistant Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures of National Taiwan University. He received his Ph. D. in Early American Literature from National Taiwan University. He teaches Fiction, Freshman Composition, Translation Studies, an

d American Literature. His main research interests are early American literature and Chinese-English translation. His most recent publication is “Reorienting the Train of Thought: Translating Classical Chinese into Modern English” (conference paper, 2009). Ming-Tsang Yang (楊明蒼)   is Professor of Eng

lish at National Taiwan University. His research interests include Early English literature, medieval studies and the Arthurian legend.


為了解決great britain uk分別的問題,作者廖靖渝 這樣論述:

現今的台灣社會,居住成本不斷高漲,不論是租屋或買屋。本研究旨在探究不同的居住型態對生活滿意度的影響。本研究採用次級資料分析法,資料來源是中央研究院社會學研究所「台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫」2016第七期第二次家庭組之問卷資料。本研究使用IBM SPSS 20套裝統計軟體,進行卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)和迴歸分析,考驗居住型態、個人背景變項和生活滿意度間的關係。研究結果發現,不同居住型態對於生活滿意度,有所差異;居住於自購屋者生活滿意度顯著大於租屋者和居於父母家者。此外,本研究亦發現,個人背景變項在居住型態上的差異。就年齡而言,青年居住於父母家比率高於其他居住型態;


Scholastic ELT Readers Level 3: Queen with CD

為了解決great britain uk分別的問題,作者Scholastic UK 這樣論述:

  Scholastic ELT Readers Series 電影讀本(附CD)為 2008年系列新書   此系列書籍,特別挑選可以讓青少年讀者或是英語學習者引發興趣的題材, 內容涵蓋了當代著名的電影、電視、經典文學以及青少年小說等。 本書三大特點   一、每一本書都是文字內容+朗讀CD,書內亦有節錄劇照,學習效果加倍。   二、書末還有2個特別單元 " Fact File " ─針對書籍內容探討相關的話題, 豐富有趣的讓人愛不釋手。   " Self-study Activities " ─以閱讀後的小測驗讓讀者學習英文更有系統與方法 。 此書共分4個級數,分別是  Starter le

vel : 適合具備 300字彙以上讀者閱讀;  Level 1 : 適合具備 600字彙以上讀者閱讀;  Level 2 : 適合具備 1000字彙以上讀者閱讀;  Level 3 : 適合具備 1500字彙以上讀者閱讀。   《黛妃與女皇》將帶領觀眾深入一個震撼20世紀的國際事件,揭開悲劇發生時的權力核心面貌,瞥見引人省思、刻薄嘲諷、感人肺腑和高潮迭起的高層內幕。這個真實事件的虛構故事背景設在1997年8月,也就是英國黛安娜王妃突然意外身亡的時間點,揭露英國皇室和英國政府之間的秘密互動。   悲劇一發生,以英國女皇為中心的保守傳統英國皇室,與機智重形象的新任首相布萊爾彼此之間缺乏共識,結果

造成激烈明爭暗鬥的情景,雙方周旋於秘密和公開、責任和情感、因循和行動等對立態度。同時,沈浸於悲傷情緒的英國人民也冷眼旁觀英國皇室對於此一事件的反應。 電影內容就是以震驚當代英國社會的轟動事件為主題,精彩描述皇室在黛安娜王妃過世後與英國首相布萊爾及情緒激動的廣大英國人民之間的衝突互動關係,這現象反映了皇室權力的快速消退,首相地位的提高,以及英國步向民主、開放新形象的轉變動力。   “Tradition prepared her. Change will define her.”   Great Britain, 1997. The Labour Party are in power for th

e first time in eighteen years and, for a time, the mood in Great Britain is buoyant. However, as news of the tragic death of Princess Diana rocks the country, Queen Elizabeth II struggles with her reaction and finds herself with difficult personal and professional decisions to make.With Fact Files

on the film, the British monarchy and Princess Diana.


為了解決great britain uk分別的問題,作者賴禹秀 這樣論述:

亞硝酸鹽 (nitrite) 為肉品醃漬中不可或缺之添加物,其主要功能為產生醃漬肉色、賦予特殊風味、延緩脂質氧化及抑制微生物生長等。亞硝酸鹽極容易與其他物質反應並分解,使得亞硝酸鹽從最初添加入原料肉起至最終產品製成的過程中,濃度往往會大幅下降。文獻指出,肉類醃漬過程中,添加乳酸鈉 (sodium lactate) 時,lactate-NAD-LDH (lactate-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-lactate dehydrogenase) 系統能夠產生菸鹼醯胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸 (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleot

ide, NADH),故可有效地抑制肉品中棕色之形成,然而,同時亦可能會降低醃漬肉中亞硝酸鹽之濃度。由於當肉製品中亞硝酸鹽濃度過低時,可能會導致亞硝酸鹽之抑菌功能發揮不完全,容易造成食品安全之風險。迄今有許多關於亞硝酸鹽降解影響之研究,然而對於乳酸鈉降解亞硝酸鹽之影響的研究卻非常少,故本研究擬探討添加不同濃度乳酸鈉對醃漬肉中亞硝酸鹽降解及物化與微生物特性之影響。本試驗共分為對照組,與分別添加1、2、3及6 %乳酸鈉等五組醃漬肉,且所有組別均添加150 ppm之亞硝酸鈉及其他成分 (1 %氯化鈉、0.2 %三聚磷酸鈉及0.1 %異抗壞血酸鈉),之後於4℃冷藏醃漬14天,並於第1、4、7、10及1

4天分析醃漬肉之品質。結果顯示,隨著醃漬時間之推移,各組之pH值隨著乳酸鈉添加量增加而顯著上升 (P < 0.05)。乳酸鈉組之亮度值 (L*)、紅色值 (a*)、黃色值 (b*) 及彩度 (chroma) 皆顯著低於對照組 (P < 0.05),且隨著乳酸鈉之添加濃度增加而顯著下降 (P < 0.05),色相 (hue) 則無顯著差異。各組之亞硝酸鹽殘留量、亞硝基血色素、VBN值及總生菌數,皆隨著乳酸鈉添加量增加而顯著下降 (P < 0.05),對照組則皆為最高,TBARS值之結果則無顯著差異。綜上所述,乳酸鈉添加會降解醃漬肉中亞硝酸鹽,但其降解之幅度應不致影響亞硝酸鹽對於醃漬肉之功能性,同

時考量乳酸鈉為肉品加工常用之添加物且具有其功能性,由於添加6 %乳酸鈉時可能會有過度降解亞硝酸鹽之虞,對於醃漬肉後續加工品質有所影響,因此建議醃漬肉應以添加3 %之乳酸鈉為佳。